Monday, March 8, 2010

Henna Aftercare Long Dark

¤ Put You do not have a paste of henna in early.
¤ avoid contact with water for at least 24 hours, if possible
¤ avoid direct sunlight in the design of henna is still evolving.
¤ re-wet paste several times with lemon juice.

Tattoo: declaration of love
Now a days, and tattoo the name of your partner's body to anger among fans. This is a clear declaration of love eternal. A small number of partners and celebrities who have tattooed on their bodies:
¤ David Beckham's wife Victoria's name tattooed ¤ Saif Ali Khan, his lady love Kareenaâ "S tattooed on his arm ¤ Aroraâ Amrita On the other hand Usman Afzal got her name tattooed on his arm ¤ avoid anything that contains chlorine, and special cleaners and water in the basin. ¤ avoid contact with abrasive materials. ¤ Do not scrub your skin while bathing. Only gently wash with soap and water. ¤ application of petroleum jelly or an alternative to oil-based solution, such as olive oil, while bathing or swimming.

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